Dedicated Custom Remote Coaching
Affordable options for strength,
fitness, and nutrition coaching.
“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
- Socrates, Memorabilia
In Memorabilia, it‘s written that Socrates notices a companion of his, Epigenes, was in poor condition for a young man, and suggests he exercise. Epigenes says he doesn’t need to because he’s not an athlete.
You might not view yourself as an athlete, but you shouldn't let that keep you from living life as the healthiest, strongest, and best version of yourself.
I had never thought of myself as an athlete, or someone who was strong...
Until I had found people dedicated to helping me find those qualities in myself.
That‘s what spurred my desire to help others the way I was helped.
My goal is simple
Radicalize the public against weakness and empower them to take their health into their own hands
Because in nearly every aspect of your life, you will be better off for it.
You’ll live a longer, healthier life with far more meaning and gratitude.
You’ll learn to push yourself further than you ever imagined.
Where you might have once asked “What for? Why bother?”, instead you’ll say “Because I can. Because it will make me better than I was.”
I believe everyone should know the strength they’re capable of, and the beauty in mastering their limitations.
Principles in Practice
Valuable, cost-effective training solution:
Many can‘t afford multiple $60+ personal training sessions a month. Plenty of others find little value in spending that money for mere hours, and still not knowing what to do outside of that time. And plenty more don‘t need much training after they‘ve learned the basics of movement and performance.
Online coaching has greater value by providing the framework of what to do every day in order to reach your goals, with the same quality of training and accountability at a fraction of the cost. -
Strength is foundational:
It's crucial to emphasize the importance of compound movements. Strength comes before any other training goal, in almost every case. Not to say that some things can‘t happen simultaneously, but overcoming perceived physical limitations can help us to build confidence and remain resolute when faced with adversity.
Health and fitness goals require diligence and patience, and people tend to give up all too easily. The willpower required to make things happen in the gym will transcend into the kitchen, the workplace, and any other area you need it to in order for you to achieve your goals. -
Your training needs to have a progressive structure:
Simply put, if you are not challenging yourself, you will not facilitate any change.
A good program should progress methodically, and in the context of remote coaching, progressions are made based off of your performance and feedback. So nothing impossible, and nothing too easy gets programmed for you. -
Training is ritualistic:
The frequency at which you practice this ritual matters. Your intentions as you practice it also matter.
Some treat training as their “me time“. A slice of the day devoted towards themselves and de-stressing from life. This is all well and good, but we should have a deeper connection with our actions. Be clear with your intentions in training, and reflect with gratitude for the capability and opportunity to work toward your goals. -
The only limitations you have are the ones you create:
It‘s too early. You‘re too tired. There‘s too much weight on the bar. There‘s not enough time in the day. You‘ll do it tomorrow. Or the next day. Next week. Next month. Next season. Next year.
People are capable of far more than they think, but get hung up mentally when they doubt themselves, give in to apathy, or seek comfort instead of growth.
Becoming your best self only requires that you do a little bit every day in service to your goals. Rome wasn‘t built in a day, and change doesn‘t happen overnight. With every barrier you remove, daily habits that move you toward your goals become easier to create and sustain. You just have to get out of your own way.
Do something today
that makes you better tomorrow